2020 album: “Sensescapes in the pandemic, disruptive transparencies”
In 2020 I contributed to the Aporee sound map, project “soundscapes in the pandemic”. The experienced changes in sound habitat during covid19, the disruptive transparency, inspired me to compose new “sensescapes”. I’ve used my field recordings of the Amsterdam region, binaural recordings at the Dam square near the palace, in city forests and parks, of course at home during the intelligent lock down, the applause for the hospital workers, the sounds of the homeless street musicians, the food store, Kingsday at home, the Old Church square, the terrible missed sounds of exhibition spaces, lots of birds in clean air, clear cut harvesting on the community supported city farm “Stadstuinderij Noord Oogst” and more. I have composed multi layered sensescapes with disruptive transparency, complexity, live mixed with (un)musical, ominous, alarming, emotional instrumental sounds with use of computer DAW, iPad and EWI (electric wind instrument).
This album includes a lot of binaural (field)recordings so try it also with good headphones!
To listen and purchase on my Bandcamp page: “Silent Noise Production”
Here you find the link to the Aporee project: Soundscapes in the Pandemic and listen to soundscapes, field recording around the world during the first year of the pandemic.
Following COVID-19 lockdowns around the globe, there have been numerous observations made on the impact of reduced human activity in acoustic environments. On the website of the World Forum of Acoustic Ecology you can find more resources related to the sound environment during covid19; prepared by member Meri Kytö with additional contributions by AFAE member Jesse Budel.
Here a review/relisten of the album by Ben Taffijn on his website Nieuwe Noten.nl (in Dutch)