Here you can find website pages information in a chronological timeline:
The website is still under construction.
Introduction artistic research: “multi sensorial hearing perspective”
(a selection of my tactile sonic art work since 2000)
- “tone statements of the exhibition space” 2000
- “mooie ten-toon-stellingen”/ “beautiful sound exhibitions” 2000 — ongoing
- “woollen sound shape” – installation 2001
- “red sound blanket objects” – installation 2001
- “red woollen sound blanket connections” 2002
- “whispering woollen ears” – installation,project 2002
- “woollen sound pill in the chemist” 2004
- “sound objects meet single reed” / “sax sound sapes” 2004
- “time shift” (building ambiance) soundwalk 2004-2005
- “woollen sound pill” in old peoples home, project 2005
- “soundbridge” at Sense festival 2005
- “super sonic sound scape shoes”, Sencity festival 2006
- “sound flag” for Schoorl 2006
- “super sonic sound scape shoes”, Inside Knowledge 2007
- “Hearing Places”, book, chapter 30, essay 2007
- “the oracle of the Noorderpark” project 2007-2009
- “the oracle poetry project” 2008
- “super sonic sound scape shoes”, SoundaXis festival, CA 2008
- “tactile sonic portrait Toronto” 2008
- “the soundscape selector” 2008-2009
- “the oracle rap project” 2009
- multi channel soundscape installation / project “Bhu!” 2009
- “een zee van ver-halen”/ “sea of stories” project 2009
- “klinkende ring oven” / “sounding ring oven” project 2010
- “Music Space Architecture”, ARCAM 2010
- “WE-tube project / installation 2011
- “Storm op komst”, children sound festival, BE 2011
- “Afreesounds” project, Freehouse, Rotterdam 2012
- “woollen sea sound sculpture”, Mute sound festival 2013
- “(Geluids) Smaak van Laak”/”sound taste of Laak” project 2013
- “woollen sound organs” installation, Urban Explorer 2014
- “24H Amsterdam beautiful sounding exhibitions” 2014
- “The Sound Taste of Laak” project, Art Museum The Hague 2014
- KLANK, “(Geluids) Smaak van Laak”, publication 2014
- “babbel en voel” / “babble and touch”, installation 2015
- “woollen sea sound sculpture”, e.o. for young children 2015
- “sonic elevation 1” inspired by work of Marinus Boezem 2016
- “the bone conductor” installation, artistic research 2017-2022 — ongoing
- “the bone conductor” during Global Composition Conference 2018
- “listening spots above and underwater”, Amsterdam 2019
- “virtual sarong spirit” 1, animation with soundscape 2019
- “woollen sound organs”, 6.1 “skinscape” composition 2019
- “woollen sound organs”, 6.1 “introspective (de)constructed 2020 – 2023 nature” for World Music Days (ISCM)
- “Sensescapes in the pandemic, disruptive transparencies” 2020
- “revolusi”, animation/soundscape 2022
- “Real Dutch Woollen Delft Blue” – project 2021 – 2023–
- “walking the woollen sound dog with bluetooth … “ 2021 – 2024–
- facebook page: “walking the woollen sound dog”)
For other information please use site catagories, tags for intuitive browsing.
Not yet documented:
- cd: “ÖKO Planet”, Ricardo Huisman Bandcamp, Itunes 2016
- realization, tactile sound sculpture installation, wearable sound objects for small children (concept) for children with lanquage acquisition problems.
- “woollen-art-i-fact” production: “virtual textiles”, “woollen jewellery”, “(un)handy woollen bags”, “woollen sound jewellery” (blue tooth), “virtual woollen blankets”, animal serie. (on Instagram)
- photo/collage works: virtual blanket connection, virtual blanket skin serie,
- “woollen gun” (un)handy bag for smart phone to use communication as so weapon against mental and poitical supression, getting in touch in a smart way. (on Instagram)
- soundscapes: “resonating night” intro and part two, inspired by the project of composer Merlijn Twaalfhoven, Resonance Night, Music Building Amsterdam (on soundcloud , silent-noise-production) 2016
- frog sensescape presentation at the pond of food forrest, Amsterdam North
- presentations on webradio Framework, World Listening day 2017: soundmap.
- presentation soundscape “dutch multi culture city carrilon” during Resonance and Remembrance: An Interdisciplinary Campanology Symposium, about bell sounds , University Michigan, USA.
- presentation “woollen sea sound sculpture” and live dj sensescape set during Electronic Extravaganza festival (by Steim and Monotak) at Splendor, Amsterdam
- contribution to the soundhouse -project curated by Nico Parlevliet, recordings of 24 hour, each hour another artist; listen here to my “dawn chorus” starting in my atelier at 5 a clock in the morning.
For more information and pictures of recent projects and activities you visit:
facebook album page. or have a look at my LinkedIn account
Soundscape compositions you can listen on Silent Noise Production, Soundcloud page and you can buy the full albums on Bandcamp page. Streaming on Spotify, I tunes, etc.
I present my “woollen art-i-fact” :”virtual textiles”, “virtual woollen blankets”, “(un)handy bags”, “woollen jewellery” and more tactile spin offs on instagram, #woollen_art_i_fact
Shop Digital Art prints (selection of “virtual woollen blankets”) on here on